
Nails #1

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Firstly, i am aware that these are not the best quality photos. Me and my mum (she took the photos) were really struggling to get the camera to focus on close up shots. The camera i have is really bothering me at the moment, i really want a new one, but for the time being i'm just going to have to make do.

Anyways, i just thought i'd start documenting when i get my nails done. Some of you may like these types of posts, and some of you may hate them, but hey, i can't please everyone. I get my nails done every couple of weeks at a Nail Salon that was recommended to me by a lot of people. I've had my nails done there 4 times now and everytime i've walked out happy! Although when i walked out of the salon when i got these nails done, one of them wasn't dry and got totally scuffed and completely ruined! Luckily about an hour after i left they could fit me in and they managed to correct it which i was very thankful for!

I chose these nails because i'm loving pastels at the moment, especially for Summer. I also really like quirky designs. I, like most people nowadays love to get a different design on the fourth finger nail. I thought it would be good to just change the colour and tip round on the fourth nail and i think it looks quite nice. If you're in the UK you'll have heard of the sweets 'Love Hearts'. Well quite a lot of people have told me that this is what my nails remind them of haha.

Let me know if you'd like to see when i next get my nails done and to keep documenting them :)

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Tamzin Swann said...
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