
OOTD: A little bit of peace

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

x xx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx
Blazer: New Look (Parisian Collection)
Top: Primark - (Similar Here)
Skirt: Primark - (Similar Here)
Necklace: Ebay - (Similar Here)
Shoes: H&M

Firstly, I'm just letting you know that above, where i usually just link the item of clothing i'm wearing to the website, i've actually started linking to the actual product, or one that is similar. I thought this would make it easier for anyone who likes what i'm wearing and wants to buy any of the pieces that i'm wearing.

On to the outfit! I picked up this sleeveless blazer in New Look after lusting over a similar grey sleeveless blazer in Topshop. I just can't justify spending £42 on something i'm not going to get a huge amount of wear out of. I'll link the Topshop blazer here. This dupe from New Look was £19.99 and is beautiful. It's the perfect length for me, as you can see it comes to just a little bit past my skirt, and i think that looks quite flattering, even more so if i was wearing a pair shorts! My Top and skirt are both basics from Primark that every girl needs, a plain white T-shirt and a coloured tube skirt. An effortless outfit. I decided to add the blazer to my outfit as i thought it would make the look more interesting. I'm wearing a long peace sign necklace, which i think really completes the outfit. As for my shoes, you can see that they are quite worn, and have dog hairs on them despite me trying to get them off. They're really comfortable though and for under £10 they're just a great throw-on-and-go shoe!

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Panty Buns said...

Your Primark skirt is beautiful! I love its colour, how you look wearing it, and how it is complemented by your New Look blazer and white Primark top. I also love the peace sign necklace.

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laura said...

Love this outfit Courtney, the necklace is beautiful too x

Temporary:Secretary said...

You look super lovely in this outfit, Courtney! I totally know what you mean about Topshop, it just keeps getting more and more expensive - I actually can't afford to buy from topshop anymore. I'll have to pop in to new look more often! xxx

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

Lovely outfit, and I love your hair too! x

Unknown said...

Love your make up and great outfit!
xx Ama


Danielle said...

really cute & classy look, love the color of the skirt!

danielle | avec danielle // giveaway

Arianne said...

Love the stylish simplicity of your outfit- you look great :)
Feel free to check out our newest post x

Ruby Sterland said...

Love your makeup! x

Annabel said...

Love this look, especially with that waistcoat!

Annabel ♥
Mascara & Maltesers

Carmen Varner said...

I totally love the sleeveless blazer from New Look. Such a versatile piece of clothing. :]

// ▲ ▲

courtzmelv said...

Thankyou for your kind comment! I'm glad you like my outfit :) x

courtzmelv said...

Thankyou, glad you like it! x

courtzmelv said...

Thankyou! Yeah Topshop is just too expensive, but definitely check out New Look, i love them! x

courtzmelv said...

Aww Thankyou! x

courtzmelv said...

Thankyou! x

courtzmelv said...

Thankou Danielle! :) x

courtzmelv said...

Thanks Ruby! :) x

courtzmelv said...

Thankyou! I'm loving the waistcoat/sleeveless blazer trend! x

courtzmelv said...

Thankyou! x

Unknown said...

Really love the sleeveless jacket, glad to have found you through the #fblchat!


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