
You got my heart in overdrive

Thursday, 3 July 2014

y yy yyy yyyy yyyyyy yyyyy yyyyyyy
Coat: Boohoo
Dress: New Look
Shoes: Topshop

I recently purchased this stunning coat from Boohoo after lusting over many pink coats for a while, I thought it was time for me to take the plunge and buy one of my own. I think this shade of pink looks great against blonde people, I think the colours just really compliment eachother. This cute floral print dress is something I haven't worn before after buying it a couple of months ago, and I honestly don't know why, it's gorgeous don't you think? The t-bar shoes are a firm favourite of mine, though I need to wear them in a bit more to stop myself from getting blisters. this is a typical cool summers day outfit that i'll definitely be wearing more often when the weather starts to turn cooler, which we all know it will.

Think i'm off to Essex on Saturday for a friends 21st, Sugarhut to be precise. Quite nervous about it considering i'm going out with just lads and i'm probably going to be the most pale person there lol.

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Laura//daisychaindream said...

coat and shoe love! xx

HailesHeartsFashion said...

Hey :) it's Hayley! We met over on the blogger chat this evening!
Love this outfit :) I'm currently after a summer coat/ duster jacket myself but can't seem to find one that matches my budget and style. Might have a look on Boohoo!

Great post and blog :)

Haaappy Summer!
To visit my blog - Hailes Hearts Fashion.

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