
Grabble Event

Thursday, 17 July 2014

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
Dress: Topshop
Rings: New Look
Flatforms: Amazon

On Tuesday, i was lucky enough to be invited by Grabble to their #GrabAMakeover evening at the Andrew Barton Salon in Convent Garden.We were told to arrive promptly at 6pm to be ready for an evening full of pampering. There was the opportunity to have your nails done, have a massage, have your hair styled or to have your makeup done. I went for all three apart from the nails as there wasn't enough time to fit all of them in. There were many drinks available from Schwepps and there were these ALCOHOLIC ice lollies from Mahiki Lic  (i know - crazy right!?) They weren't to my taste as there were rather strong, i'm someone who likes to enjoy my alcohol without being able to taste it lol. But loads of other bloggers loved them, and even went back for seconds!

This is the outfit i wore for the event on the evening. I bought this gorgeous pale blue, Victorian-esque floral dress from Topshop, and it was in the sale. (£18 BARGAIN!) I absolutely adore it, it's a typical 'me' dress, something i would often turn to when not being able to choose anything to wear. I'm wearing my trusty white flatform shoes, which are lifesavers when i want to appear taller than i am without actually wearing my heels and a selection of rings. These outfit photos were taken once i got home from the event so excuse the lighting but i was just dying to show you my hair! As i said above, there were hairstylists available on the night to style your hair, this is what one of the stylists did to mine. Doesn't it just look fabulous? She's done some twists and then joined them joined them together at the back, yet left a section of hair to drape down naturally. I absolutely loved it. I've forgotten the name of the woman who styled this for me (i don't think i caught her name actually) But i thoroughly recommend her for hair styling. You can find her at the Andrew Barton Salon or by her twitter page here.

Here are some photos from the event consisting of Andrew Barton himself, Katie Fieldman - the lovely woman who organised the whole event!, Stylingo a blogging duo who i adore, my friend Sarah who lives right by me, and my friend Christine, who is actually someone i met when i was working at my casting company.

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Laura//daisychaindream said...

That dress looks so gorgeous on you! x

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lovely event!

Emma x

Panty Buns said...

That Topshop dress looks very pretty as does your hair, makeup and jewelry. The Grabble event looks like it was a real treat to attend.

Anonymous said...

You looked great! For more events like this - sign up to Grabble!
Katie xxx

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