
Victoria's OOTD (Guest Post)

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Hello there! My name is Victoria, I'm from California, and I write a little fashion and lifestyle blog for funsies called Treelined Avenue. I want to thank Courtney so much for having me on her blog today. I'm super thrilled to be a part of it! 

I want to talk about a little thing that happened to my state of mind recently. One day, I woke up and it was like I had this intense need to wear nothing but skirts or dresses. When I was growing up, I mainly wore skirts or dresses for special occasions and was usually more comfortable in just shorts or jeans (as most kids are, really), but even when I got to high school, I would wear skirts maybe only twice a year and once I got to college, a skirt-related article of clothing was absolutely unheard of. I became a strictly jeans and sweater kinda girl. It got boring quick even though I'd always try to add my own "style" through nice accessories or shoes. But somewhere along the way, I was determined to keep my appearance up. Not for superficial reasons, but because I notice how I genuinely feel much better about myself and more confident to face the world when I look put together. In addition, it seems as if people listen more to what I have to say when I show that I care about how I present myself. This is where skirts come in.

Let's just ignore the dry grass and dog fur that's all over my outfit.

Now, because of skirts, I feel more like my age (err, mid 20's- sounds weird when I say it out loud- why do I have to grow up!? ...but, that's a story for another time). I can dress them up or down and  never risk feeling inappropriately dressed for whatever occasion. I feel there are many more ways to style a skirt than pants, and since the weather in my little corner of the world is confused, (hot one minute, windy and cold, the next) a skirt just makes more sense. Let's just ignore the little fact that I always feel the need to wear shorts UNDER my skirt in case strong winds pick up or if I sit at a weird angle- I'm forgetful like that when it comes to what I'm wearing so it's better to be safe! Wouldn't want to flash anyone, you know. Also, can I just say how happy I am that Forever 21 always has the hugest selection of skirts that are ON CLEARANCE in the back of the store where everyone is too lazy to look...yep, skirts really are making my life easier (and more stylish) on so many levels. :) What about you? Do you wear skirts a lot? Is there a clothing item that you never wore before but now you can't live without?

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1 comment:

Victoria Talia said...

Thanks again for having me, Courtney! :) xx

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