
Laura's OOTD (Guest Post)

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Hello! My name is Laura, I usually blog at but Courtney has very kindly asked me to guest post on hers for today! My blogs content mainly features posts about fashion, beauty and lifestyle, whether it be OOTD's, beauty reviews & hauls, wishlist posts, outfit creations posts and favourite music posts from time to time.

For today's post, I have decided to put together an OOTD featuring one of A/W's biggest trends; Tartan! Now if you're a regular shopper on the high street, you would have seen tartan pop up literally EVERYWHERE! It's definitely a huge trend and something that can be quite tricky to style or even hard to wear, if you feel the print to be too bold or you just don't think it would suit you! I wouldn't say I was a huge fan of this trend and my wardrobe isn't filled full of this print, but for my outfit, I have embraced the trend and taking it on board in my own way!

When it comes to OOTD posts, I'm definitely one for going more towards a casual, laid back outfit than a more dressed up, formal look. This outfit post would be more of an everyday sort of daytime look, whether you're going out with some friends, going out shopping or for lunch, just a general daytime casual outfit! (just be warned the photographs aren't great quality, I'm still on the look out for a new camera as my Iphone 5 doesn't quite cut it anymore, so any recommendation, feel free to let me know!)

So here's what I have put together today!

Tartan Studded Collar Shirt: New Look
Disco Leggings: Ebay
Burgundy Vans: Very
Leather Jacket: Ebay
Nail Polish: Barry M Matte Nail Paint in Vanilla
Midi Rings: Primark
Arrow Ring: Ebay

I'd like to thank the lovely Courtney for giving my this opportunity and I hope you all like the outfit I have put together! If you did like this post, and would like to see more of what I do and write about, then my social media links are as follows...

Laura Thornberry x

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