
If the sky comes falling down

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
Jumper: Boutique
Skirt: New Look
Necklace(*): Lola & Grace

This is a sophisticated, classy yet casual outfit, as i'm wearing a lovely tartan jumper with a midi tube skirt, with a bit of a bling in the form of a necklace added. This is possibly something you may get away with wearing to work, considering you still look smart, and professional, you've just added a pop of style to the usual work wear. I really love tartan, being half Scottish probably adds to my love for it, really makes me feel like i'm wearing a piece to be even more proud of than the usual pieces of clothing i wear. I'm proud to be a Scot. It's still freezing here in England, hence the jumper worn with the skirt. It's even too cold to do photos outfit. How gorgeous is the necklace from Lola & Grace too, they've got some great pieces.

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Unknown said...

I love this jumper, looks amazing! So much love for tartan right now :-) xxx

Photo-Jenn-ic said...

LOVE this jumper!

You look great.

Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic


daisychain said...

I LOVE this jumper and necklace x

Unknown said...

I LOVE the colour of your hair! I also love this outfit, especially the necklace!

Unknown said...

Love the jumper! It's very statement without the detail :)
Elephant stories and more

Nikki said...

LOVE your tartan jumper, it's gorgeous!:) You look lovely! Xx

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