
Take me away

Friday, 18 October 2013

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
Jumper: Tesco
Skirt: Boohoo
Ring: New Look

I recently bought this skirt from Boohoo and just fell in love with it when i saw it online, i've wanted a tartan skirt for a while and i thought a blue one was quite nice. When it finally arrived i realised the resemblance it had to my school skirt which put a downer on it for me (school was a terrible time for me), but i thought i'd embrace it and make a gorgeous outfit with it. The skirts actually quite big on me and i've got it clipped at the back, instead of sitting on my waist where it should sit, it's sitting on my hips, which was really frustrating. I'm wearing this woolen jumper which has a lovely pattern on it that i think compliments the tartan pattern really well. A jumper was definitely needed, here in England it's freeeeeezing, and i feel the cold so badly! I'm wearing this pink pendant ring which i think adds a nice pop of a bright colour and goes great with the outfit. This outfit definitely doesn't remind me of school times now thankfully!   

I really need/want a holiday. I just need some me time, and to get away. I know they say that if you go away, your problems won't and they'll follow you wherever you go, but i just need a break, a break from me preferably haha. And i need some heat. I hate the cold.

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The darling cherry said...

Nice look!
I just love your sweater :)

Sixth Tractate said...

Love the simple fall look dear<3xx


Anonymous said...

The contrast between the white and cobalt blue is amazing!

Olivia Emily said...

Gorgeous lady, that blue looks amazing on you!
I know what you mean about a holiday aha, I hope you have a relaxing weekend at least ♥

Kacie Cone said...

This look is so perfect, I love that sweater!!

MILEX said...

oh favourite!

Mary Lee said...

this outfit is soo lovely! that jumper looks so comfy and it goes so well with that skirt!

Unknown said...

I love the skirt! <3

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