
Rising Revolution

Monday, 23 September 2013

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx Blazer: H&M
Dress: Boohoo
Bracelets & Ring: New Look
Necklace: Charity Shop

My hair has gone a lovely gingery shade, ohwell, probably going to have to have it re-dyed soon methinks. Today i wore this dress which i bought from Boohoo a while ago. They happen to be one of my favourite online clothing stores as the clothes always fit just right! I love the colour and the lace pattern of the dress, the pastel colour is great for this upcoming A/W months! I decided to wear an oversized blazer which is also massively on trend this A/W. I think the grey really compliments the dress and the oversized blazer works really well with the outfit, keeping stylish as well as looking on trend, sophisticated and also, quite warm, Jewellery wise i've kept it quite simple by wearing a simple gold block ring and a couple gold bracelets. I'm wearing a big statement gold and silver necklace which i think is such an eyecatching piece.

It's Mumma Melvs birthday tomorrow and i've got her some lovely little bits which i hope she likes. (she reads my blog, so i can't reveal what i've got her, but they're nice!) I've got 3 hospital appointments this week, i see my psychiatrist, who is more like a friend to me tomorrow, and i have a meeting with my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Consultant on Friday which i'm looking forward to as there is lots to discuss!

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daisychain said...

I am loving your hair colour right now!

Lucy said...

Love this dress, the colour is absolutely gorgeous!Xx

Lucy Cole | A UK Fashion, Style and Beauty Blog

Fabliha said...

Lovely dress! Love the lace and pastel green x

Gemsies said...

This is a beautiful outfit, especially the dress!
Returning back the comment :D
Gemma x

Dianne Tho said...

that dress is awesome and it goes very well with the statmnet collar. what do you think about following each other? i just discovered your blog and i really like it
just let me know. xoxo

Laura Dittrich (Fashion Landscape) said...

Lovely dress, loving the colour x

Fashion Landscape

Josie said...

Your hair looks gorgeous! Hope your ma had a fab day xxx

Maddie said...

That is such a sweet dress, I love the minty color of it! :)
And I like your blazer a lot! Not so sure if I would wear them both together, but regardless, I do think this is a really great combination and you look great in it! :)

Winnie said...

That dress is an awesome colour!

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