
Lover + A Fighter

Monday, 2 September 2013

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx
Top: (*) Voodoo Girl
Skirt: ASOS
Blazer: Primark
I was sent this lovely tee from Voodoo Girl, a brand i absolutely adore as they have some incredible pieces. I love the print on the tee, and despite being someone who usually shys away from word printed tees, i really like the brightness and font of the text, and i love what it says too. 'Lover + A Fighter'. Exactly what i am, so this tee really matches my personality. The tee is a bit baggy which is something i was really happy with as i'm not the biggest fan of tight fitting clothing. I decided to wear this tee with a bright pink skirt that matches the colour of the text exactly, and i think the look has come together really well, really showcasing the tee, making the print really pop.

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daisychain said...

Utterly love this tee! x

Hannah Crosskey said...

I LOVE Voodoo Girl! styling is on point with this ootd!

thanks for sending me your blog, new follower!

Unknown said...

gorg outfit lovely!x

Zoe said...

The skirt goes so perfectly with that top! great outfit x

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