
Shine bright like a diamond

Thursday, 29 August 2013

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx
Shirt: (*) Karma Vintage
Skirt: H&M

I was sent this beautiful oversized shirt from Karma Vintage, and i head over heels fell in love with it. The diamond detailing is beautiful and the bib like look is such a nice touch and i love the ribbed detailing on it too. Together the diamonds and the ribbed bib creates such a lovely look, really sculpting the shirt. The different coloured diamonds that are symmetrical  on the shirt is fabulous too, something i didn't notice at first, but when i did notice it, i realised just what a great effect is has on the shirt. I decided to wear this shirt with a red skirt to emphasize the detailing on it, which i think is highlighted really well. I've worn two gold rings to compliments the gold outline of the diamonds on the shirt which i think works well as it's so subtle. 

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Unknown said...

Love that shirt! Your hair looks lovely too :)

Katie xx

daisychain said...

You look amazing Courtney, LOVE that blouse! x

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