
And breathe me

Thursday, 15 August 2013

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
Jacket: Selfridges via Charity Shop
Necklace & Dress: (*) Peacocks
I was sent a lovely little package from Peacocks with a few beautiful gift pieces inside. This dress happened to be my favourite. It is unfortunately a little on the big side for my, so the little tie along the midriff is tied tightly at the back because it swamped me a little bit. I decided to go for  a typical classy look, and considering this tea dress is so exquisite with gorgeous detailing, i thought this jacket was a perfect combination. This necklace i had a bit of trouble with, unfortunately it arrived broken, but me and mumsy managed to fix it, and after these photos were taken it broke again, but that could just be a faulty product in the batch or something but the necklace truly is beautiful and the pop of colour against the dress and jacket is lovely. I love the design of the necklace, and the colours of the little pear drops are stunning too. Would definitely recommend Peacocks for their beautiful jewellery and womenswear collection!

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Zoe said...

I really love the necklace, especially the colour of it, shame it's broken though x

megcasson said...

You're so cute, I love this.

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