So i decided it was about time that i started doing some Beauty posts on my blog, and what better way to start than with a review of a nail polish. Simple, but it'll be a good little start. So i went shopping with mumma and came across this fluorescent nail polish trio by Kelly Brook at New Look. The Nail polish was easy to apply and wasn't too gloopy like other nail polishes i've come across. The orange colour is something that i was really attracted to, and when applied on the nails, it actually looks brighter than it does in the bottle, which is just what you want when applying a polish - you want it to do what it says on the tin in other words. My nails are now a lovely neon orange colour, around the same colour as an orange highlighter to give you a good idea. Applying was really easy and after one coat it was thick enough to not even really need a second coat, though i did put another coat on. It didn't take long too dry either, and i haven't scuffed it yet which is a first for me. I'd definitely recommend this nail range of nail polishes! Below you can see the outcome of how it looked on my nails after two coats.
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loving the orange
Lovely polishes! I was eyeing these up in New Look earlier. Orange nails are where it's at x
Love the colour - didn't even know Kelly Brook had delved into the beauty world!! About time though x
these look pretty good! x
Beautiful colours !
Looks nice and glossy! xoxo.
I've just found your blog! that nail polish trio looks perfect for spring/summer! I'm not into orange when it comes to clothing, but when it comes to beauty I love it!
i saw this at new look today!
great post x
Those colours are gorgeous (: xx
i have those kelly brook nail polishes, love the colours especially the orange and yellow xx
What a beautiful colour polish!
Em x
Oh, wow... Love this colour. Yummy!
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