
What's In Your Handbag?

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Money Supermarket are giving bloggers who are part of the Best British Bloggers community the opportunity to win a Mulberry Bayswater Shoulder Handbag, purse and phone case in the colour of our choice. To be in with a chance of winning this fabulous prize we've been asked to write a 'What's in your Handbag?' post, revealing all. There is also a chance for 6 runner ups to winn a £25 ASOS voucher which Fashion Perks are so kindly providing! 


New Look bag, Karen Millen glasses, Dove deodorantGucci Guilty perfume, sunglasses, mini Haribo TangfasticsChupa Chups XXL lolly, Apple iPad, 2013 Diary & pen, hairbrush, nail file, Barry M Nail Varnish, Mental Health helpline card, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome card, £11.23, house key, Cath Kidston Purse, Paracetomol, Rimmel eyeliner, Carmex, princess plasters, receipts,Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini phone, Dior lipstick, Yves Rocher lipstick, Blog Stuff notepad,

xx xxx

This is what i carry with me in my bag, and when i checked my bag, besides the iPad and phone this is all that was in there, but 9 times out of 10, i'd of put my phone and iPad in there too obviously. These days we'd be lost without technology haha. The prices are roughly right, they are very close to what i paid for them if not exact.

Bag: (£19.99) So this bag is the one i use the most, it's black and i have a love for things black, especially bags,  i just think they always look the classiest. It's got a zip pocket on the outside and on the inside, as well as a little pouch for my phone, and for little bits. In general it's quite a light and it's large enough to fit in all my necessary bits and bobs.

Glasses: (£99.99) Because i'm blind. Well no, i'm not blind, that was a slight exaggeration. But i do struggle to see, and should wear glasses 24/7 but i barely wear them as i just more concious in them. Though, i do  take 1 of the 2 pairs i have everywhere just incase i can't see something, which is often.

Deodorant: (£2.35) I think whether your male of female, you should always carry some form of deodorant on you, you never know when your going to be stuck in a hot stuffy area, and no one wants the embarrassment of being a tad on the smelly side.

Perfume: (£40.00) My scent. I love the smell of this, it just is everything i'd look for in a perfume, not too overpowering, but just right.

Sunglasses: (£15.00) Not that i ever really need them in England, but sometimes the sun does randomly appear here and it can be blinding, so sunglasses are always handy to have on you.

Sweets: (50p) You've just come across the 'Sweet Queen'. I'm a major sweetaholic (no i'm not diabetic), i just love sweets and i always have some form of sweets around me hehe.

iPad: (£349.99) It's so 21st century, and so typical to have one. But i have one and i love it. It's so handy to have whether your on a train journey, or a long car ride, or even just in a hospital waiting room. Playing games, or creating a blog post to pass the time, as well as being able to listen to music. Also, if your in a WiFi spot, you can access the internet. Personally, i love my iPad.

Diary: (£9.99) The essential every year buy. For someone like me who personally has so many appointments, i'd be lost without my diary. I think writing in your diary/planner is a lot more of a better way to record your dates as opposed to on the phone, because if you forget to set an alarm, your stuffed.

Pen: (99p) Always carry a pen on you!! What if you meet someone famous, and they offer to sign something of yours, and you haven't got a pen.. well wouldn't you feel stupid.

Nail File: (50p) Whenever i don't have a nail file on me, i always have the one nail, that catches my tights and creates a big hole usually when i'm trying to look good. So yes, i've learnt to always carry a nail file on me nowadays to avoid any annoying holes in the tights.

Nail Varnish: (£2.99) Just incase any nail varnish decides to chip, always carry the varnish colour your wearing with you. I'm currently wearing yellow.

Mental Health Card: (free) For emergencies only, but it's handy to carry it on me at all times, as i never know when a MH emergency may strike.

Ehlers Danlos Card: (£2.50) Now this i must take everywhere with me, if for whatever reason i'm in an accident and have to go to hospital, they need to know of my connective tissue disorder!!

Money: (£11.23) Yes, currently i'm poor, carrying around a pathetic amount of money with me, i know.

Key: (£9.99) Would be very stuck without this, everyone needs their keys to get back into their house. Just remember Mr Zip of BGT song 'Where me keys, Where my phone', before leaving the house!!

Purse: (£30.00) A birthday present from my brother back in December. I love it. It's got 6 card components, a zip in the middle where i keep my two most important cards being Mental Health Card and my EDS card. It easily holds notes, but can't hold too many coins, which is good, because no one likes a purse full of coppers.

Paracetomol: (£1.00) Because chronic headaches suck, and paracetamol is the only thing to get rid of them!

Eyeliner: (£2.99) I'd much rather take eyeliner out with me as opposed to foundation/bronzer, for me, it's all about the eyes.

Carmex: (£2.99) Dry & chapped lips have to be one of the worst things, so carrying this will make your lips moisturised and give them a lovely little gloss look,making you feel more confident so quickly.

Plasters: (99p) I'm the clumsiest person ever, i'd be stupid not to carry plasters around with me, because i'm forever hurting myself.

Receipts: (Free) I have so many receipts in my bag that i probably should have a good clear out

Phone: (£199.99) I just had to get rid of my blackberry, it constantly froze, didn't work properly, and was doing my head in, so i went and bought myself this beauty. It's quick, it's efficient, and it does everything my blackberry failed to do. Who am i kidding, without my phone, i'd be lost!

Lipsticks: (£35.00) Both stolen off my mum (shhh she doesn't know) I love them both. The Dior is a deep reddy-purple colour which really suits my complexion, and the Yves Rocher lipstick is just a tiny bit darker than my actual lip colour. I'm a lipstick fiend.

Blog Notepad: (£5.00) I never know when a blog idea is going to come to me, i may just be sitting there, then boom, outfit post ideas, a long with what i want to buy and wear to a party etc.. and i need somewhere to jot this down!

Total price of bag & contents: £843.97

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The Diary of a Brunette Shopaholic said...

I love your diary its really pretty x

Kacie Cone said...

I love the blog notebook, that is so cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment girl!

I always enjoy a "what's in my bag post"
I really love the diary and your ipad cover!

xo, Delightful Sunflower

vv said...

love your notebook :D x

Tessa: said...

I like the notepad, what a great idea! I always forget the stuff I thought about earlier

Penny and Polaroids said...

I love these kinda posts! Love your style in your previous posts too! X

RosyChicc said...

Ahh your diary is is so pretty, I love it! <3 I never leave the house without my iPad, it helps me so much to stay organized and to catch up on my social media! :)

Andrea | RosyChicc

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