
Week In Photos #24

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Ribbet collage
Kinda miss my ginger hair, snuggles with Ruby, apparently i look like my mumma in this photo, brother went and bought me these beautiful shoes, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month, outfit of the day, posing in my faux Chanel hat, devoured these, what i used to be able to do with my legs before my operation due to my EDS, favourite chicken is my favourite chicken, face fusion mine & Victoria Beckhams face, my favourite lollies!!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looove you with ginger hair!! There is a quote I wanted to share with you. Its helped me in some of my darkest hours. Hope it helps you to.'everything will be better in the end if its not better its not the end' your a truly amazing and inspirational person Courtney don't let anyone tell you different x

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