
Come as you are

Monday, 13 May 2013

x xx xxx xxxxx xxxx
Shirt: Next
Blazer: Vintage
Skirt: New Look
This shirt is infact another Charity Shop find! I really do find so many lovely pieces in Charity Shops and it's definitely worth taking the time to look. When i saw this shirt i knew it was just so 'me' and would be a great addition to my wardrobe! I'm a sucker for anything black or white so this black and white check shirt is just perfect. This vintage blazer will always be a favourite of mine, it was my Grandmas' so it will always be special to me and i absolutely love the colour.

I've got my first EDS physio session in a bit which i'm really looking forward to. Hopefully i can finally discuss using walking aids/supports as the pain constantly in my back and hips is just ridiculous now, lying flat in bed is an absolute killer! Starting today i'm really trying to look at things more positively and put into practice what my Occupational Therapist said about pacing.

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daisychain said...

LOVE the bright colour pop x

Marcella Margareth said...

wow love your blazer so baadd!!! <3
and thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog..
I'm wondering do you want to follow each other? coz I like your style.. :)
let me know..


Nicole said...

I love charity shops your right you can find some great things in there :)
Your blazer is amazing x

Ivana said...

Lovely outfit, such a great choice of colors.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, lovely blazer!
That's a great find!

Jilly, ox.

Michelle / Daisybutter said...

Eeep, looove that blazer so much! I've seen some similar ones in Zara that I literally need in my wardrobe, haha! xx

Anonymous said...

THis is such a gorgeous colour! xo

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