
Week In Photos #5

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Ribbet collage

Photoshoot, card & chocolates to say thanks to my therapist, yum haribo cola bottles, dropped my tablet in my water, first alcoholic beverage in ages, doritios & dip, soap & glory righteous butter mm, christmas decorations to be put up, before the pub, Jamie posing, me & Jamie, me after being punched

Been an okay week, different, with some very good parts thrown in there. It's been an absolutely rubbish weekend though after being punched on Friday night, in an unprovoked attack which i'm not going to go into.. but ouch. That's definitely not helped my anxiety, but i'm really trying not to let it put me too far back. On the plus side, it's getting closer to my birthday on the 18th December, which i'm kind of looking forward too, i just want a little cake, so i can blow out a candle and make a wish! (how cute am i hehe)



Cailin´s Place said...

great pics!!!

daisychain said...

I am forever dropping pills in water! x

Jade said...

hope your eye is ok!!! lovely photos!

Beckaaah said...

what happened to your eye?

Anonymous said...

When are u going to post another blog, I keep checking back daily but nothing :(

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