
Hey ho, here she goes

Thursday, 8 November 2012

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx
Coat: Vintage
Top + Skirt: Primark
Tights: New Look

This coat. Yes, it is about 3 times too big for me, but i don't care, i soooo tried my hardest to make it work haha, and i can't explain to you how warm it is. This is my Mothers faux fur coat which she's had for a ridiculous amount of years, and it smells just like my Grandma, so surreal, but so beautiful. It's weird how when i put this on, i just automatically felt sexy, i mean can clothing do that? Totally change your mindset just by putting a piece of clothing on? Well, for me it did. Anyway! Underneath that masterpiece i was wearing a white pussy bow blouse and a dark blue tube skirt with the blouse tucked into it. Simple. The beauty of wearing such simple outfits such as this one is that they can be worn for any occasion  Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Lunch, Dinner or Clubbing. Perhaps i just like being prepared for any occasion where just the change of shoe can determine where exactly i'm going without actually being consciously aware of the fact i'm doing it. Just another thing i add to my quirky personality i guess!

I was recently awarded as being one of the Top Fashion Blog's on eCollege Finder. I feature along with other Top Blogs as a resource for students they've helped to enrol in fashion merchandising programs, as well as to help educate others who aspire to work in fashion and merchandising or become fashion bloggers themselves. Pretty cool ay? My Award badge is located in my sidebar on the right! Felt i had to share this, ii was really proud to be honest, hardly ever get recognised! Hopefully i'll get noticed by more people and companys etc.. Blogging really is such a passion of mine!

Besides that, is anyone else having such a hard time trying to find Christmas Presents this year? I'm really struggling! My brain just won't work! Any websites in relation to Christmas Presents, including Online Clothes Shops too would be much appreciated. Note to self: Teach brain to function properly! -_-



oomph. said...

congratulations on the feature! beautiful coat. i do think that an item can make you feel sexy the instant you put it on :)


Laura said...

Your coat is amazing!!

♥ Lovely Pretty World ♥

alliedavies182 said...

great coat!

daisychain said...

What an incredible coat! x

daniella-r said...

I love the skirt and top, they look so nice for primark. I haven't been able to find anything nice in there for ages
Daniella x

Fowzia Madar said...

I love the outfit the coat is amazing,


MILEX said...

How beautiful you are!

Robyn Roxburgh said...

Gorgeous blog - following you now :)! I adore that coat looks so so cosy. Congrats on the award :)

Robyn Mayday

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Congratulations on the feature. Love the outfit, the blouse is so beautiful. As for the coat... Fur does make you feel this way, I totally agree. x

Chanel N5 said...


Have a good weekend!


Charlotte said...

wow beautiful coat!

- ordaining serendipity

Arushi Khosla said...

Gorgeous! And love the coat + your lovely hair.

xo from NY

The Fashion Philosophy said...

So pretty! That coat is a-mazing<3

ox from NYC!


Unknown said...

love the fur coat!

xo SideSmile,

SideSmile Style

Unknown said...

absolutely love this coat! so stunning! i am starting to hoard fur coats like a mad woman and this doesnt help haha

subbed to your blog via RSS :)

Miss drifted Snow White

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

OMG hot coat! Need I say more! Nice one!
Daisy Dayz

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