
i'm back!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Seems like forever doesn't it? Ah, well i needed some time out from the blogging world, my life was just too hectic due to medical reasons more than anything really. But i think it might just be time for me to come back and readjust to the blogsphere. Not everythings sorted with me, but hey-ho, theres no quick fix with anything right? Not going to lie, i have missed the reading through blogs on a daily basis and getting fashion inspiration, and after a bit of inspiration today courtesy of London Graduate Fashion Week(which i will go into detail about more) i'm back!

So yeah, this is just really an update post to say. HELLO. IM ALIVE, and all that jazz.
A blog update is 100% on the cards too.. a few updates for you all though.

- i'm now modelling
- i'm now doing tv and extra work
- i now have long hair
- my hair is now brown
- i'm more pale than ever
so yeaaah, i'll update with some photos soon and get back to business within the next couple days :)

ALSO, i'm doing a sponsored walk for charity... PLEASE SPONSOR ME you can find link in the top right hand corner of my page under 'BUTTERCUP WALK' that big yellow banner :)



Anonymous said...

Yayy, glad youre back! :) xx

Please may I? said...

Glad to here your ok.

Congrats on the modelling and tv works etc. Sound like you have been a busy girl.

X x

LillianZahra said...

Welcome back! x

Erin said...

Nice to see you back Courtney! :) x

daisychain said...

Welcome back <3

Diana Marks said...

welcome back!

Check out my blog and if you like, follow me on GFC and Bloglovin. I will follow you back with pleasure, if you want, just leave a link in the comments.

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