Seems like forever since i last did an outfit post right? Such a bad blogger! Quite a smart outfit this is, mainly due to the fact that i went into school. I haven't worn this lepoard print top in such a long time, to be perfectly honest, i forgot i had it. The sleeves are 3/4 length, and the i'd the top as kind of 'boxy' considering if i stuck my arms out to the side, the top would sit in a box shape. I've tucked the front into the skirt which i think looks quite nice as the black waist band on the skirt is acting as a belt. Love the lilac colour of this skirt, the indent pattern on it is quite nice too. Everything always looks so much smarter with a blazer don't you think?
I've been invited to my first blogging event! It's in London, and it's to preview the Littlewoods SS12 collection, made me really happy to be honest, i never get invited to places. I really felt as if i'd achieved something. I had my first day back at school yesterday, i've spent a lot of time off due to medical reasons so was nice to go back even with extremely high anxiety levels. Small steps, little and often. Yep, they're the sayings getting m through haha. Bought 2 nice black dresses today, £45 for the both of them, very classy and just so me, YAYS.
11.11.11 Rememberance day. Rest In Peace to all the Soldiers who gave their lives so that could leave ours in peace.
great top! love the print!
I love the blazer, it pulls the look together so nicely.
That blazer is so good. Simple and effective
Love the outfit. Have a great time at the event x
Gorgeous outfit.
gorgeous, gorgeous girl
O I love the leopard print! Please check us out Thanks doll x
any outfit with leopard is a win in my book!
What's the next line? Help write the story!
lovely outfit
Love the leopard print top! x
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