
Cocktail Evening

Friday, 29 April 2011

 1) Creating a Strawberry Daiquri. 2) Me & Sam. 3) Me & Sam drinking a Strawberry Daiquiri. 4) Me & Sam drinking a Strawberry Daiquiri. 5) A Strawberry Daiquiri. 6) Cuddled up drinking Sex on the Beach. 7) Cuddled up drinking Sex on the Beach. 8) A Sex on the Beach

Sams Top: Topman
My Top: Mothers Wardrobe
Had a lovely evening with Sam yesterday, we thought we'd try something a bit different, and we decided on having a Cocktail Evening, which was actually a real good idea. We ended spending about £70 on different varietys of alcohol then researching lots of different cocktail recipes. We created three cocktails Sherbet Dick, Strawberry Daiquiris and Sex on the Beach. Sex on the beach was easily my favourite, tasted so good out of the three we made! As we got so much alcohol and fruit juice we're just going to make random cocktails and try new ones whenever he's over, it's something to do and actually really fun.

In a Sherbet Dick
1 tbsp white sugar
1 shot lemon juice
1 tsp grenadine
3 shots of bacardi

In a Strawberry Daiquiri
30ml vodka
30ml lime juice
4 strawberries
1 tsp white sugar

In Sex on the Beach
3/4 shot peach schnapps
1 shot vodka
1 shot grenadine
splash of pineapple juice
splash of orange juice
splash of cranberry juice

We blended each one with ice too! We substitued bacardi for vodka in the Sherbet Dick as we had no bacardi though. Definately something i'd advise you to do with your boyfriend/girlfriend or a group of friends, was a fun evening!



daisychain said...

I dont drink but these sound gooood!

kayla marie said...

nice post!
thanx for the blog love, new post up.

xo-Kayla Marie

✗✗ said...

Ooo will have to try these!

Unknown said...

omg looks so fun! great recipes!


Annalise said...

Aw. Super cute. I'll have to give those recipes a try.

Bérénice ♥ said...

the sex on the beach = yuummmyy !!

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