Okay, so first things first, let me apologise for doing a total disappearing act. I don't really know what happened, i just lost all motivation to blog. I started to really doubt myself and at one point did even debate totally closing my blog downm kind of thought 'whats the point?'. Don't really know what came over me, i've been ill and just feeling all yuck, hence why the posts have been majorly dull, uninestering and 'same-ish' when i have been bothered to blog. BUT, after a good long think, i've decided to not get rid of my blog and to carry on with it. I don't claim to be some amazing fashion designer, i don't try to be anyone that i'm not, and i don't know what i'm talking about half the time. Anything fashion related is usually through research and my own opinions, and i wear what i want depending on how i'm feeling that day. For example, if i feel in any way whatsoever too 'big' you won't catch me in jeans. I'll be as covered up as possible. Days where i'm feeling a bit more comfortable in my skin, i'm more likely to wear something skin-tight. Thats just me. So, whenever i get asked opinions on what type of clothes, i wear, or would chose, it really would depend on how i happen to be feeling. I give my honest opinion when i'm talking, i mean this is MY blog, and ofcourse i'm going to express my opinions on everything. Sorry, that was a bit of a long whine about nothingness.
Anyways, on a good note...
I GET MY CAR TOMORROW! Majorly excited, like crazy! It's a Black Seat Ibiza 1.2, has 3 doors and is just gorgeous. Although, my number plate read
DE54 KLL, which automatically made me think 'DEATH KILL'.. Great start there aye, in other words 'get off the roads when i'm driving' haha! I haven't had a single lesson yet, so i'm going to try persuade my Dad or Sam to show me a few bits and bobs tomorrow. Ofcourse, i will post pictures for you all.. Also, feel free to leave me any ideas you may have about a name for my car (oh my, how unoriginal, but oh so necessary - also must be a girls name!)
Also, these happen to be my most wanted items from
Topshop currently, and as i have no money, if any of you want to give them to me as a gift, would be kindly appreciated ;) I MUST GET A JOB.
Don't feel bad for not blogging after all it's your blot and you should do on it what you want to do. If you feel like taking a break then take one, just please don't delete your blog altogether, I would miss it.
Awww I know what you mean. I haven't lost motivation as such, I have just been lacking in ideas recently. I have been feeling all ill and disgusting and blame my writer's block on that really! I hope you feel better about everything soon and I'm glad you're not getting rid of your blog x x
Everyone hits a blogging wall after a while but please don't delete your blog!
Good luck driving! :D.
Those topshop bits are gorgeous, I'm in love with the shop!
SO exciting about your car lovely! x
how cool you get your car tomorrow:) awesomeness! and never forget.. blogging should be all about fun:) when it starts to feel like an obligation it's not worth it..
i love the last maroony coloured number!xx
ohh how I love the stripe dress and the maroon dress! they are so cute :) and for a car hmm...I've always liked the name cady ;)
Thats really exciting! I remember how I got my car, I was so stupidly excited to be able to drive it!
And that Topshop dress with the lace collar is beautiful - I really want one like it!
ah, congrats on getting your car!
oooh CARR!!love the ring too x
Getting a car is really exciting! Congrats hun! I love your wishlist, especially the ring! I need a job too! Xo
Sooo exciting about your car!! I love that your license plates made you think of "Death kill" Hahaha. That's seriously so funny.
Your topshop picks are goooorgeous!
KF x
Loving your Topshop wants! I think I need that number plate on my car haha! xx. http://jasi-belle.blogspot.com
The striped dress and the middle one are so gorgeous!! Good luck on getting your new car! I've had my driving license for over a year and I'm still without a car! x
Love topshop and love that dress! xx
Really great topshop picks, topshop is the best, i really really want those moto acid shorts!
hope you'll visit/follow
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