
You see right through me

Monday, 17 January 2011

top, shoes & cardigan, - New Look. skirt, - ASOS. snood & tights, Topshop. ring, - Accessorize.

I've gone for real block colours in this outfit, the hot pink, white and black. Personally, i think the colours really compliment one another. The white top i'm wearing is long sleeved, and just really simple. There is nothing exciting about the top i'm wearing. I've tucked it into this hot pink tube skirt, i like the hot pink colour, it's very striking! The skirt is really nice, but it is quite short, so i've had to sit it in the exact right place for it to not show too much. I'm wearing 80denier tights with this outfit, i thought knitted tights would be a bit too over the top. Opted for my long black cardigan which is actually real warm, thought it looked quite cute, i didn't really want to add much more colour so stayed as simple as possible. Saying that, i added this light mocha coloured snood, it really brings the outfit together, and i defnately prefer the outfit with the snood. Would realy love this outfi with a pair of black court heels, would make the look very sophisticated, but instead i'm wearing black ballet pumps. On my finger i'm wearing a little coral rose ring, and i'm wearing white nail varnish. Must say, this is actually an outfit i really like. It's very versatile!

AHH, i really need to go shopping, like SO badly. I don't think i've bought anything clothes wise this year yet! I'm in London, literally a 10minute walk from Oxford Street on the 2nd of February, i think i'm going to have to drag my mother to Topshop with me, and make her spend a bomb on me, haha! I need new clothes, prefrably some items in dark orange and plum!

Also... was just wondering.. if any of you would like to promote my blog? I have 3 blog badges which can be found on the PR & advertising page. Really trying to get my blog 'out there', see if anyone else is interested in the type of stuff i talk about etc. Let me know if you decide to put one of my badges on your blog. Many thanks!


essentially aimee said...

I really really like this outfit! And the fact that you're smiling in the third picture, so cute! Hope to see more photos of that. A shopping date with mum sounds fabulous, I am long overdue for something like that!

daisychain said...

I LOVE this outfit, the pink skirt is amazing.

Chris said...

Aww I like the one where you look at you ring!

Toni Tralala said...

This scarf looks adorable! I just love them!

I like the accessories in the outfit. Cute ring! <3

Anonymous said...

A great way to promote your blog, comment and follow other blogs. I've left loads of comments on your blog (in another name) and you've never bothered with my blog. No wonder no one pays your blog any attention.
BTW if you hate anon comments so much, why do you allow them?

Anonymous said...

I love hot pink and black together.

christie said...

you have a pretty smile - you need to smile more often girl!!

Indian Sarees said...

Gorgeous outfit..

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