
Managed to persuade the mother...

Friday, 21 January 2011

Me and my mother went out today and i somehow persuaded her into taking me into New Look and La Senza to get a few bits & pieces. I was very pleased, but to be honest, everything i bought were necessity's besides my pretty peter pan blouse. Very happy with these buys :)

Long knitted black jumper. It's quite thick & is most likely going to be very warm and considering i go blue rather often, this is hopefully going to stop that!! I like the length of the jumper too, sits just past the hips.

Baseball jersey top, how pretty! They didn't have my size in stock unfortunately but i wanted it for a while, so i settled for a size 12, will be able to wear it tucked into something or as quite loose. And the burgundy colour is lovely, one of my favourite colours at the moment.

Peterpan collar blouse, i love it. Saw it the moment i waked into the shop and HAD to buy it. How pretty is it? The ruffles look quite nice without being over the top, and the shade is just off-white. New favourite item of clothing i think!

Aran cable knit cardigan, AT LONG LONG LAST. The cardigan is actually a light purpley colour, but for some reason looks brown.. i will take an outfit post with this on to show you the proper colour. It's knitted and quite thick, so it will be nice and warm. 

Knitted tights, Piggy slipper socks and Knee high socks. YAY.
How cute are those piggy slipper socks... adorable right?

So the two pictures above of underwear that i bought from La Senza. I got myself measured so finally bought 4 bra's which fit me properly. There all quite simple pieces of underwear,and the first picture is 2 pair of underwear in black & white. I think every girl needs a pair of white and black matching underwear sets. The second picture is a turquoise and fuchsia set of underwear, i don't understand why the photo showed the underwear up as blue and red though, useless camera! 


charlotte said...

ahh you have such good taste! cant wait to see how you wear that beautiful peter pan collar, how much was it? roughly? i have one of those baseball tshirts aswell, and the same happened to me i settled for a 12 too :\
ahh cameras never show the right colour xx

Anonymous said...

Of course you can do a FOTD! You wouldn't be copying me at all. I know some bloggers get upset over the theme of content being used, but I'm totally cool with it, in fact - I encourage it! I would love to see your FOTD chick! xxx

jazmine rocks @ jazzabelle's diary said...

what an adorable peter pan blouse! the cardi is lovely too, i'm intrigued to see what the real colour is like. thank-you for your comment! x

Stephanie said...

Great choices and I love that cardigan and baseball top!! x

Anonymous said...

That peter pan collar blouse is so chic!
I love it! ;)
stop by sometime, xx natalie

Jade said...

I keep seeing this blouse everywhere... it's so pretty! x

Susanne said...

i love your piggy slippers! so cute!<3

Anonymous said...

i want that blouse! love your blog, i'm a new follower :)

Unknown said...

hey just came across ur blog and now following :) i love the jersey, reckon it'll probs look better baggy anyway! xx

Law1sfab said...

I love your buys the Peter pan collar top is my hands down fave, I love the jumper too, I love a chunky knit. :) have a great weekend x

Kirsty said...

wow what an awesome haul, you lucky thing! I especially love the blouse and cardigan... Glad to see New Look is still stocking chunky knits - Topshop seem to have gone spring mad, which is good in theory but have they looked outside?

Thanks for your lovely comment, it feels great to know fellow bloggies are wishing me good luck! There's still a week left to vote if you wanted to vote for me -

Kirsty xx

daisychain said...

I love that blouse! I so almost bought that cardi today, but dammit, it's over a week till payday!

Unknown said...

Hi lovely!! Great haul!! I am loving especially those underwear sets from La Senza, it is a brand I have always wanted to try!
Lots of love from a new follower, sweetheart!

Cylia said...

lovly purchases..reminds me I need some new bra's and stuff.

cowbiscuits said...

awesome purchases! xx

Louisa said...

Love the peterpan collared blouse!


Sara said...

I really like the peterpan blouse and the colorful lingerie! Cute! xx.

Alyssa Pritchett said...

I love the peter pan collar blouse, it screams vintage.

Hannah said...

LOVE the peter pan collar top, wantwantwant lol

Hannah xx

Curiouser and Curiouser said...

want want want the cardigan with a passion! :D x x

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

the cardigan, blouse and jesey tee are awesome! x

Michaela said...

I love the peter pan blouse!

Chloe Mia said...

I really like the peterpan collar blouse :) I love la senza underwear too.

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