
One of those days..

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Something that definately cheered me up as i'm having such a bad day!?
I've been told TWICE today, that i look like my idol Victoria Beckham!
Seriously, i don't think you could ever pay me a compliment as better than that, she's beautiful with an amazing figure, a great career and extremely stylish!
Although she's far too perfect for me to ever be compared to her, but still the compliments definately put the hugest smile on my face!

001. I seem to be having such a bad day today today! I got into bed about 11pm last night, and didn't manage to get any sleep till about 10am, it was horrible, and for some reason i woke up at 1pm after only three hours sleep. My M.E's so very bad today too, i barely had the energy to sit myself up in bed. I've had such a bad argument with the mother and the boyfriend too over stupid little things.. Lack of sleep, crazy exhaustion and hormones running high are not a good combination!
002. On the plus side, while not being able to sleep last night, i searched online for Christmas pressies for Sam and have settled on some bits&pieces, there rather nice and fingers crossed he'll like them! I'm still not entirely satisfied with my choices though, so i need to do some more looking around. I can't post on here what i got him or where from because he read my blog, and i don't particularly want him to know what he's getting for Christmas till Christmas morning.
003. I really want to go on holiday, to get away from everything at the moment would be absolute heaven. I've got so much on my mind at the moment, so much getting me down, to escape even for just a weekend would be lovely, a nice change of scenery and weather is definately what i need! Anyone want to whisk me off to Dubai for the week please!?


Anonymous said...

victoria is awesome

marionachic said...

fantastic blog!!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely compliment, Victoria is very chic and elegant and very stylish.
I hate not being able to sleep, I try watching something boring on TV hoping it'll help, sometimes it does.

Law1sfab said...

I actual think you are wayyyyyyy prettier than Victoria. I don't mind her I think she is very classic but she never smiles and really should should she has a wonderful life ....I smile and I'm broke :P

You have a gorgeous smile xxxx

Unknown said...

Oh honey, you look better than VB! Mind you, I do love the VB dress she's wearing in the pic you used - it seems to look amazing on everyone I've seen in it.

the ineffable soul said...

I love VB too, most people seem to disagree! sorry you haven't been doing great and i know how much the sleep thing sucks :( x

Sarah said...

I lover her style, this look is amazing! I am with you , I also need a brief escape!

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