

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

This isn't really an outfit post as it's not what i wore today, but it's what i changed into as my Hollister jumper kept getting caught on my cast. I was in the hairdressers for around 4 hours today, and i think i can safely say that my hairdresser definately knows me all too well! I asked her about changing to maybe a brown or a reddy colour, and she said that because i've been down recently, i'm probably wanting a change as it means i can take out my frustration on my hair. Not going to lie, she's probably right, so instead we stuck with just having my roots topped up blonde. Bless her though, for a little change she ran a few lighter blonde strands through, just to give me that little oomph i needed, she's so lovely! As for the cute, i only had a trim as i'm growing my hair, i'd like it be to around my boobs by summer time please!?

Anyways, this isn't really an outfit, was more something i threw on, but thought i'd take a picture of it anyway, as it is a little more adventurous then my leggings & hollister jumper combo! I probably would wear this outfit out, infact i would, with some jewellery as it looks too boring without accessories, i'd also make sure i was wearing a cardigain of some sort too.. AND a coat & scarf.. & gloves. It's cold here in England!

A bit annoyed to be honest too, my brothers present hasn't come! Hopefully it'll get here tomorrow and i can give it to him after school, also i'm baking him those cookies tomorrow morning too which means i'ma have to get up early as i see my M.E physio at 2, so need to be ready to love by 1. which means cookies need to have been prepared, baked and iced!
On the plus side.. JTS BACK FOR 3 WEEKS :)

P.S. be sure to enter my Christmas Giveaway if your a UK resident and haven't done so already!!


essentially aimee said...

I love the tights/shorts combo. All of my shorts are too small for that so they look absolutely ridiuclous when I try to wear them. Gah, it's terrible!

Unknown said...

I think this is a VERY cute look! love the stripes, those shorts are so cute :)


Kaleido Mind said...

always nice to be able to trust your hairdresser;) love your hair!

Rachella - said...

nice hair!
nice blog, hope you will become a follower of my blog too?

Unknown said...

love your hair x

daisychain said...

Your hair looks lovely :) your outfit is cute, too! x

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