Oh Topshop, you never let me down!
Plain and simple, yet ever so stylish this season!
A pair of black paperbag waistband bow shorts.
They're pretty cute right?, and for only £36.00, why not purchase them!
001. i'm now going to spend the next few hours in fracture clinic to see whats wrong with my wrist after my little tumble down the stairs on friay evening, this could be interesting as its so hard to move around cos' of my leg now with a possible fractured wrist, hopefully it's all alright and they'll send me on my way. But till then, wheelchair it is!
002. oh boy, its TOO cold for my liking, since when did England turn into the new North Pole? In need of serious layers today, layers layers layers!
003. what do i get my boyfriend for Christmas!? im struggling here guys, so suggestions are more than welcome!
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