
i want to be able to walk now...

Friday, 26 November 2010

I'm getting really bored and fed up of my crutches now, they've been my trusty companions for the last 6weeks, and i really don't know if i can handle another possible 6/7weeks on them!
I would actually like to be able to walk for My Birthday(18th December), Chirstmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day.
But it's alright leg, you take your sweet time to recover, its not as if i wanted to dress up on these occasions, you know wear a short dress and a pair of heels, and doll myself up for the first time in what has seemed like forever. I wouldn't be able to drink anyways incase i fell either,
Thanks for ruining my December :(

1 comment:

Voodle said...

i've been through this!
i even attempted going out, i was sober, everyone else was drunk :(
then i tried drinking and fell down some stairs with my crutches!
it'll be over soon though hun <3


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