
Retail therapy much?!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Ahh.. i'm turning into a definite shopaholic, definately hurting mums credit card (apologieees!) I've just purchased some pretty items from Boohoo, as they do really nice cardigains in some of the colours i needed! It's mine and my mum's retail therapy, shopshopshop! Thankyou Mum!! eeeek!

Esme Crochet Neck Tunic - Black - £11.00
Brushed Knit Pearl Trim Tunic - Black - £8.00
Jersey Cardigain - Pink - £8.00
2 Pocket Cardigain - £8.00
Esme Crochet Neck Tunic - White - £11.00
Morna Pearl Rose Cluster Ring - £5.00
Total: £51.00
All Boohoo!

Now i'm spending the evening with my gorgeous boyfriend,


Anonymous said...

You can never have too many cardigans! I'm obsessed with them!


Emma said...

thats really reasonably priced for 5 items of clothing! nice little haul you got going on :)

Sara Luxe said...

aww have a good evening.
the ASOS models are so pretty now !

Rorie said...

I am in loooveee with the last 4 itemss!!

Rachelx said...

They have some nice stuff!

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